Welcome to The Rural Pool Professional Pool & Spa Care.

Based in Mansfield Victoria, our family owned business has been servicing the pools and spas of the district for over 18 years. From Benalla to Jamieson, Mt Buller to Yea and everywhere in between, we’ve been helping our customers with friendly expert advice, reliable equipment and most importantly, safe and healthy water!

Our commitment is to provide our clients a prompt, reliable & cheerful service throughout the year. Our accredited trained staff offer expertise in all areas of swimming pool & spa maintenance. At the Rural Pool Shop we use the latest and most accurate pool water testing equipment available. This results in precise reports outlining the best way to keep your pool or spa in tip top shape.

Customer satisfaction is our top priority. We want our clients to feel relaxed & confident knowing that the crew looking after their pool or spa are trustworthy, conscientious and committed to looking after your asset.
We take the time to get to know our customer’s needs and we tailor our servicing routines around each individual’s requirements. So whether you require fortnightly, 3 weekly, monthly or casual one-off pool and spa servicing we can oblige.

At Rural Pools we only use the highest quality pool chemicals, products and equipment to ensure high performance, reliability and efficiency to make swimming in your pool an enjoyable experience.

Thank you for visiting and we look forward to meeting you!